Recommended Wi-Fi / Router settings for DEVIreg™ Smart




SSID (”Wi-Fi/network name”)(*)

Any Unique name

 Must be unique for 2.4GHz

Channel (*) Fixed (channel 1,6.or 11) Use one of the channels (1,6 or 11) with least interference

2.4 GHz mode (*)


Do not use "N only" mode

Security (*)

WPA2 Personal (AES)

Do not use mixed mode WPA/WPA2

Channel (*)

Fixed (Channel 1, 6 or 11)

Use one of the channels (1, 6 or 11) with least interference

2.4 GHz channel width (*)

20 MHz

Do not use 40 MHz

MAC address authentication or filtering





Only one DHCP server per network

Ports used

80 and 443


(*) Key settings

 - Refer to your Wi-Fi router documentation to learn how to update your settings.

 - WPA2 Personal one of the strongest forms of security offered by Wi-Fi products, and is recommended for all uses.

-ensure that 2.4 and 5.0 GHz networks Do not have same SSID and password and if your router possesses a “smart” or “adaptive” switching between 2.4 and 5.0 GHz networks, that this is set to disabled.

DEVIreg™ Smart is using a Wi-Fi at 2.4 GHz, and other home products might be using the same 2.4 GHz frequency-band, this might disrupt your Wi-Fi network. Try turning off any products that might interfere with the Wi-Fi wireless connection, like:

  • Cordless phones
  • Burglar alarm system w. room IR sensors
  • Baby alarms (Monitors)
  • Microwave ovens
  • Bluetooth devices
  • Wireless audio/video equipment

Additional issue might occur when the signal is blocked/weakened by metal enclosures or similar. This can lead to issues with the connectivity.

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